
Content addressed functions


When a function is compiled to machine code, machine the code could be stored in a blob storage where the blob would be referenced by the hash value of it's contents. If the compiled code is language agnostic it could then be called from any programming language. A machine independent intermediate language like WASM could be used to make the function even more universally applicable. See universal sandbox.

In theory the same function could be implemented in different programming languages and result in the same intermediate language code and thus have the same hash value. In practice the optimization would propably result in different implementations in different languages.

The Unison language is based on this concept.

delta compressed blob storage
cross language typing
managing files
programming language agnostic functions
universal sandbox
value types
Travis Oliphant on Lex Fridman podcast
universal sandbox
cross language typing
low level cloud infrastructure
programming language agnostic functions
repl as cloud shell

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